john peace

Midlands Engine revs up for trade opportunities

The Midlands Engine is a partnership between government entities and local enterprises in the Midlands region of the UK, created in 2015 to drive economic growth across the region. Courtney Fingar visited the group’s pavilion at the Mipim property fair in March and spoke to chairman Sir John Peace. 


Belfast’s seven pillars of excellence

After a bumper FDI year, the city of Belfast was out in force at this year’s Mipim real estate conference in Cannes. Cathy Mullan went along to see what the Northern Irish capital was doing to put itself on the map.

arda ermut

Urban renewal drives Turkish real estate

Despite geopolitical challenges, Turkey is keeping its FDI levels respectable through new traction in the real estate sector, spurred by a large-scale urban renewal plan. Arda Ermut, president of the Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey, talked to Natasha Turak at the Mipim international property fair in Cannes. 

US firms consider their post-Brexit moves

US companies with UK offices will soon begin assessing whether they should move staff overseas following the UK’s EU exit negotiations, to retain access to Europe. Timothy Conley reports

Weak sterling sparks investment surge in UK property

The depreciation of sterling has made UK real estate very attractive to foreign investors. Courtney Fingar reports.

Poland puts new emphasis on exports

In line with a government drive to support Polish companies’ exports and international activities, the country’s revamped investment agency is adding a trade pillar to its functions. Courtney Fingar reports.

Le Pen victory ‘could be bad for property market’

French officials at property event MIPIM 2017 had mixed opinions regarding the outcome of the forthcoming presidential elections but were fairly certain that a Marine Le Pen victory could be detrimental to markets. Natasha Turak reports.

brindley place

Birmingham’s development journey begins

The West Midlands is gearing up for a new industrial revolution as the labour market picks up and the HS2 rail project gathers steam. Jacopo Dettoni reports.



CEE city leaders cautiously optimistic on US FDI

City representatives from Poland, Ukraine and the Czech Republic attending the Mipim real estate fair are sanguine regarding investment from the US under President Trump.

Capital investment in Turkey on the rise, according to revised data

Despite a small drop in inbound greenfield project numbers, the latest figures on investment in Turkey show a strong increase in capital expenditure contrary to initial reports.

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